Index of Public and Tribal Parks and other Protected Lands Visited in this Document
Bureau of Land Management
Bisti Wilderness Area
(in Day 8)
De-Na-Zin Wilderness Area
(in Day 8)
National Park Service
Bandelier National Monument (not visited on this trip but mentioned on Day 17)
Canyon de Chelly
(all of Day 4 and references therein)
El Malpais National Monument
(in Days 6 & 7)
El Morro National Monument (just a mention on Day 6)
Navajo National Monument
Keet Seel
Anasazi sites (in Day 2)
Saguaro National Monument
(back in Tucson)
Sunset Crater National Monument
(in Day 2)
Wupatki National Monument
(in Day 2)
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Bosque del Apache National Wildlife Refuge
(in Days 11, 12 & 17)
Tribal Parks
Monument Valley
, Navajo (in Day 3)
Puye Cliff Dwellings
, Santa Clara Pueblo (in Day 10)
Nature Conservancy Preserves
Muleshoe Ranch
(in Day 18)
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