The proceedings for "Decoupling Civil Timekeeping from Earth Rotation" are being published by Univelt, Inc. as part of the American Astronautical Society (AAS) Science and Technology Series, available from:
The Call for Papers is available here. The meeting program is available for download (PDF). The presentations/slides given at the workshop are available on the Program page.
Colloquium Summary
- Preface
- John Seago, Rob Seaman, and Steve Allen, "The Colloquium on Decoupling Civil Timekeeping from Earth Rotation"
Session 1: Setting the Stage
Session 2: The Past, Present, and Far Future
Round-table A
- Midday Round-table Discussion of October 5, 2011
Session 3: Earth Orientation
Session 4: Time Scale Applications
Session 5: Space Operations
- David Simpson, "UTC and the Hubble Space Telescope Flight Software"
Preprint-673 | Discuss-673
- Mark Storz, "Computation Errors in Look Angle and Range Due to Redefinition of UTC"
Preprint-674 | Discuss-674
- Stephen Malys, "Proposal for the Redefinition of UTC: Influence on NGA Earth Orientation Predictions and GPS Operations"
Preprint-675 | Discuss-675
Session 6: Ground Operations
Round-table B
- Midday Round-table Discussion of October 6, 2011
Session 7: Contingency Proposals
- David Terrett, "Automating Retrieval of Earth Orientation Predictions"
Preprint-679 | Discuss-679
- Florent Deleflie, Daniel Gambis, Christophe Barache, Jérome Berthier, "Dissemination of DUT1 Through the Use of Virtual Observatory"
Preprint-680 | Discuss-680
- Steve Allen, "Timekeeping System Implementations: Options for the Pontifex Maximus"
Preprint-681 | Discuss-681
Round-table C
Special Session
- P. Kenneth Seidelmann, "The Longwood Gardens Analemmatic Sundial"