Background reading on UTC and leap seconds
International Telecommunication Union
International Organization for Standardization
- The Future of Time: UTC and Leap Seconds (American Scientist article, July-August 2011)
Preprint at
- The Debate over UTC and Leap Seconds (AIAA proceedings with references, August 2010)
- "The leap second: its history and possible future", R. Nelson, et al (Metrologia article, v38 n6 2001)
- "GPS and Leap Seconds", D. McCarthy & W. Klepczynski (GPS World article, Nov 1999)
- "Time scales, their users, and leap seconds", P. K. Seidelmann & J. Seago (Metrologia article, v48 n4 2011)
- "The Leap Second Debate", C. A. McDaniel Wyman (Master’s report, U. Texas, 2013)
IERS Questionnaire
Workshop Poster - click for large version

Timescales in the Solar System - click for larger version (figure courtesy A. Rots, Harvard CFA)
