Welcome to 
Falling Rock Homepage:
The Tragically Hilarious Artwork of Gerald Clarke
Why Falling Rock?
Meyawhae! Glad you could stop by. This update has been a long time coming,
but I hope you enjoy what you see and read. If you're a first time visitor,
here's the deal; I am a contemporary artist of Cahuilla Indian decent. I'm not
interested in what most people call "indian art" because it seldom
seems real to what I've experienced as a native person. If these ideas interest
you, read on!

On a Personal Note:
Life has been pretty good as of late. My wife and daughter are doing well
and I have a job, so I can't really complain. It's hard to believe that Lil
'Em will be three years old in a couple of weeks. I appreciate all I have and
owe a lot of good people for their love, advice and support.
click here for pics of my family.
Currently, I am as excited about art as I have ever been. I feel like I've
broken through a lot of the barriers within myself to reach a state of true
freedom and expression. I recently completed my first installation and performance
works and the response was very positive. Some images and video of recent work
can be found on the PORTFOLIO link.
Writing a book on bronze casting is another project I have undertaken. While
there are several good books currently on the market, most seem to assume the
average sculptor has access to a complete foundry. My goal is to give practical
information regarding metal casting using the lost-wax process, investment molds
and building the necessary equipment to cast in your own studio. Sure I'm talking
small scale (under 18 lbs), but casting your work yourself is rewarding and
will make your work better!
Click here for a peek.
As in earlier versions of my web site, click the link that
interests you and check it out.