Time Commences in Xibalbá
Luis de Lion (Author), Nathan C. Henne (Translator) No. 74.
Corpse Whale dg nanouk okpik No. 73
Butterfly Moon
Anita Endrezze No. 72.
Red Weather
Janet McAdams No. 71.
Cell Traffic
Heid Erdrich No. 70.
Walking the Clouds: An Anthology of Indigenous Science Fiction Grace L Dillon (Editor) No. 69
Allison Adele Hedge Coke (Editor) No. 68.
Doubters and Dreamers
Janice Gould No. 67.
For a Girl Becoming
Joy Harjo; Illustrations by Mercedes McDonald No. 66.
Dark Thirty
Santee Frazier No. 65.

A Radiant Curve: Poems and Stories
Luci Tapahonso No. 64.
Where Clouds are Formed
Ofelia Zepeda No. 63.

The Women's Warrior Society
Lois Beardslee No. 62.
I Swallow Turquoise for Courage
Hershman R. John No. 61.
Raven Eye
Margo Tamez No. 60.
Notebooks of Elizabeth Cook-Lynn
Elizabeth Cook-Lynn No. 59.
The Secret Powers of Naming
Sara Littlecrow-Russell, Joy Harjo (Introduction) No. 58.
Blonde Indian: An Alaska Native Memoir
Ernestine Hayes No. 57.
The Power of Horses and Other Stories
Elizabeth Cook-Lynn No. 56.
Husk of Time: The Photographs of Victor Masayesva
Victor Masayesva (Photographer), Beverly R. Singer (Introduction) No. 55.
Tséyi' / Deep in the Rock: Reflections on Canyon de Chelly
Laura Tohe, Stephen Strom (photographer) No. 54.
Beyond the Reach of Time and Change: Native American Reflections on the Frank A. Rinehart Photograph Collection
Simon Ortiz (Editor) No. 53.
Sherwin Bitsui No. 52.
Itch Like Crazy
Wendy Rose No. 51.
Urban Voices: The Bay Area American Indian Community
Intertribal Friendship House, Susan Lobo, Editor No. 50.
Out There Somewhere
Simon J. Ortiz No. 49.
Drowning in Fire
Craig Womack No. 48.
Winning the Dust Bowl
Carter Revard No. 47.
El Q'anil: Man of Lightning
Victor Montejo No. 46.
Killing Time with Strangers
W. S. Penn No. 45.
The Roads of My Relations
Devon A Mihesuah No. 44.
Native American Calling interview with Devon A. Mihesuah |
Rainbows of Stone
Ralph Salisbury No. 43.
From Sand Creek: Rising In This Heart Which Is Our America
Simon Ortiz No. 42.
Life Woven with Song
Nora Marks Dauenhauer No. 41.
Native American Calling interview with Nora Marks Dauenhauer

Throwing Fire at the Sun, Water at the Moon
Anita Endrezze No. 40.
The Last of the Ofos
Geary Hobson No. 39.
From the Belly of My Beauty
Native America Calling interview with Esther Belin |
Men on the Moon: Collected Short Stories
Simon Ortiz No. 37.
Native America Calling interview with Simon Ortiz |
Family Matters, Tribal Affairs
Carter Revard No. 36.
Speaking for the Generations: Native Writers on Writing
Simon Ortiz (Editor) No. 35.
Blue Horses Rush In: Poems and Stories
Luci Tapahonso No. 34.
Earthquake Weather: Poems
Janice Gould No. 33.
Ocean Power: Poems from the Desert
Ofelia Zepeda No. 32.
Home Places: Contemporary Native American Writing from Sun Tracks
Larry Evers and Ofelia Zepeda (Editors) No. 31.
Luminaries of the Humble
Elizabeth Woody No. 30.
Returning the Gift: Poetry and Prose from the First North American Native Writers' Festival
Joseph Bruchac (Editor) No. 29.
After and Before the Lightning
Simon Ortiz No.28.
Bone Dance: New and Selected Poems, 1965-1993
Wendy Rose No. 27.
The Sound of Rattles and Clappers: A Collection of New California Indian Writing
Greg Sarris (Editor) No.26.
Singing for Power: The Song Magic of the Papago Indians of Southern Arizona
Ruth Murray Underhill No. 25.
An Eagle Nation
Carter Revard No. 24.
Sáanii Dahataat: The Women Are Singing : Poems and Stories
Luci Tapahonso No. 23.
The Hawk Is Hungry and Other Stories
D'Arcy McNickle; edited by Birgit Hans No.22.
Woven Stone
Simon Ortiz No. 21.
Mud Woman: Poems from the Clay
Nora Naranjo-Morse No. 20.
Dancing on the Rim of the World: An Anthology of Contemporary Northwest Native American Writing
Andrea Lerner (Editor) No. 19.
The Singing Spirit: Early Short Stories by North American Indians
Bernd Peyer (Editor) No. 18.
Secrets from the Center of the World
Joy Harjo Stephen Strom (Photographer) No. 17.
The Names
N. Scott Momaday No. 16.
Survival This Way: Interviews With American Indian Poets
Joseph Bruchac No. 15.
Yaqui Deer Songs/Maso Bwikam: A Native American Poetry
Larry Evers and Felipe Molina No. 14.
A Papago Traveler: The Memories of James McCarthy
James McCarthy; edited by John C. Westover No. 13.
A Good Journey
Simon Ortiz No. 12.
Between Sacred Mountains: Navajo Stories and Lessons from the Land
Sam and Janet Bingham (Editors) No. 11. |
Spirit Mountain: An Anthology of Yuman Story and Song
Leanne Hinton and Lucille Watahomigie No. 10. |
Hopitutuwutsi = Hopi Tales: A Bilingual Collection of Hopi Indian Stories
Herschel Talashoma & Ekkehart Malotki No. 9. |
Hopi Photographers: Hopi Images
Victor Masayesva and Erin Younger No. 8. |
Mat Hekid O Ju/when It Rains: Papago and Pima Poetry
Ofelia Zepeda (Editor) No. 7. |
The South Corner of Time: Hopi, Navajo, Papago, Yaqui Tribal Literature Now an online edition! Larry Evers (Editor) No. 6. |