To Be Indian: The Life of Iroquois-Seneca Arthur Caswell Parker Joy Porter Univ. Oklahoma Press
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Indian School: Teaching the White Man's Way Michael L. Cooper Houghton Mifflin Co
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Alex Posey: Creek Poet, Journalist, and Humorist Daniel F. Littlefield Jr. Univ. Nebraska Press
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Shared Visions: Native American Painters and Sculptors in the Twentieth Century Margaret Archuleta, Rennard Strickland (Editors) New Press
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Documents of American Indian Diplomacy: Treaties, Agreements, and Conventions, 1775-1979 Vine Deloria, Raymond J. Demallie (Editors) Univ. Oklahoma Press
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Cherokee Editor: The Writings of Elias Boudinot Elias Boudinot, Theda Perdue (Editor) Univ. of Georgia Press
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The Oneida Creation Story Demus Elm, Harvey Antone, Floyd G. Lounsbury, Bryan Gick Univ. Nebraska Pr.
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Myths and Tales of the Southeastern Indians John R. Swanton Univ. Oklahoma Press
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From the Deep Woods to Civilization: Chapters in the Autobiography of an Indian Charles Eastman Univ. Nebraska Press
Creation's Journey: Native American Identity and Belief Tom Hill, Richard W. Hill, Sr. (Editors) Smithsonian Institution Press