WWW Virtual Library - American Indians
Index of Native American Organizations on the Internet
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Funding sources
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- Federal Funding Resources from the Office of Minority Health Washington, DC
- Aboriginal Nurses Association of Canada (ANAC) Ottawa, ON
- Abya Yala Fund for Indigenous Self-Development in South & Meso America (AYF) Oakland, CA
- Alberta Native Friendship Centre Association Edmonton, AB
- Alliance for California Traditional Arts Fresno, CA
- Alliance of Tribal Tourism Advocates Lower Brule, SD
- American Indian Business Network [Missing 3/2014] Washington, DC
- American Indian Center of Chicago Chicago, IL
- American Indian Chamber of Commerce of California Los Angeles, CA
- American Indian Chamber of Commerce of Oklahoma Oklahoma City and Tulsa, OK
- American Indian Chamber of Commerce of Texas [Missing 3/2014] Dallas/Ft. Worth, TX
- American Indian Chamber of Commerce of Wisconsin West Allis, WI
- American Indian Community House New York City, NY
- American Indian Cultural Support Lutz, FL
- American Indian Family Center St. Paul, MN
- American Indian Library Association Minneapolis, MN
- American Indian OIC Minneapolis, MN
- American Indian Policy Center St. Paul, MN
- American Indian Research and Policy Institute Saint Paul, MN
- American Indian Scouting Association
- Americans for Indian Opportunity Santa Ana Pueblo, NM
- Association For American Indian Development [Missing 3/2014] Seattle, WA
- Association of American Indian Physicians Oklahoma City, OK
- Atlantic Policy Congress of First Nation Chiefs Dartmouth, NS
- Baltimore American Indian Center Baltimore, MD
- Barrie Area Native Advisory Circle Barrie, ON
- Bay Area American Indian Two-Spirits San Francisco, CA
- Bristol Bay Native Association Dillingham, AK
- California Indian Basketweavers Association Nevada City, CA
- California Indian Storytelling Association Fremont, CA
- Chattanooga InterTribal Association Chattanooga, TN
- Chippewa Ottawa Resource Authority Brimley MI
- Circle of Life Thunderbird House Winnipeg, MB
- Coastal Carolina Indian Center & Association Emerald Isle, NC
- Colombia Human Rights Network
- Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission Portland, OR
- Confederation of Indigenous Nationalities of Ecuador
- Council of Energy Resource Tribes Denver, CO
- Dakota-Lakota-Nakota Human Rights Advocacy Coalition
- Denver Indian Center Denver, CO
- DFW Native American Chamber of Commerce Dallas, TX
- Ecuadorian Federation of Evangelical Indians (FEINE) Quito, Ecuador
- Federation of Saskatchewan Indian Nations Saskatoon, SK
- First Nations Confederacy of Cultural Education Centres [Missing 3/2014] Hull, QC
- First Nations Development Institute Fredericksburg, VA
- Fort Erie Native Friendship Centre Fort Erie, ON
- Four Worlds International Institute for Human and Community Development Lethbridge, AB
- Ginew/Golden Eagles Program Minneapolis, MN
- Great Lakes Indian Fish & Wildlife Commission Odanah, WI
- HONOR Our Neighbors Origins and Rights Bayfield, WI
- Indigenous and Peasant Federation of Imbabura (FICI) Otavalo, Ecuador
- Indigenous Peoples Council on Biocolonialism Wadsworth, NV
- Institute for Tribal Environmental Professionals Flagstaff, AZ
- Instituto Cientfico de Culturas Indígenas Quito, Ecuador
- Inter-Tribal Council of Michigan, Inc. Sault Ste. Marie, MI
- Intertribal Bison Cooperative Rapid City, SD
- Intertribal Timber Council Portland, OR
- Inuit Art Foundation Ottawa, ON
- Keepers of the Sacred Traditions of Pipemakers Pipestone, MN
- Keepers of the Treasures Washington, DC
- Lakota, Dakota, Nakota Spiritual Group Jameson Annex, South Dakota State Penitentiary
- Manitoba Association of Friendship Centres Winnipeg, MB
- Métis Nation of Ontario Ottawa, ON
- Michigan Indian Elders Association Ishpeming, MI
- Midwest Treaty Network Madison, WI
- Minneapolis American Indian Center Minneapolis, MN
- Minnesota American Indian Chamber of Commerce Minneapolis, MN
- Minnesota Indian Women's Resource Center Minneapolis, MN
- Montana-Wyoming Tribal Leaders Council Billings, MT
- National Aboriginal Forestry Association (NAFA) Ottawa, ON
- National Association of Tribal Historic Preservation Officers (NATHPO) Washington, DC
- National Center for American Indian Enterprise Development Mesa, AZ El Monte, CA Seattle, WA
- National Congress of American Indians (NCAI) Washington, DC
- National Council of Urban Indian Health Washington, D.C.
- National Environmental Coalition Of Native Americans (NECONA) Prague, OK
- National Indian Child Welfare Association Portland, OR
- National Indian Council on Aging Albuquerque, NM
- National Indian Education Association Alexandria, VA
- National Indian Health Board Washington, DC Denver, CO
- National Indian Youth Leadership Project (NIYLP) Gallup, NM
- National Indigenous Media Arts Coalition
- National Native American AIDS Prevention Center Oakland, CA
- National Native American Bar Association Stafford, VA
- National Native American Chamber of Commerce Blue Springs, MO
- National Native American Law Enforcement Association Washington, DC
- National Native American Veterans Organization Oklahoma City, OK
- National Society for American Indian Elderly Phoenix, AZ
- National Society for American Indian Elderly Phoenix, AZ
- National Tribal Development Association Box Elder MT
- National Tribal Environmental Council Albuquerque, NM
- Native American Art Studies Association Tempe, AZ
- Native American Association of Germany (NAAoG)
- Native American Business Alliance Shirley, New York
- Native American Community of Kansas City Kansas City, MO KS
- Native American Cultural Center of California San Francisco
- Native American Emergency Medical Services Association Fort Meade, SD
- Native American Finance Officers Association Green Bay, WI
- Native American Fish & Wildlife Society Denver, CO
- Native American Heritage Association Rapid City, SD
- Native American Journalists Association Vermillion, SD
- Native American Recreation & Sport Institute (NARSI) Indianapolis, IN
- Native American Support Group New York City, NY
- Native American Water Association Minden, NV
- Native Energy Charlotte, VT
- Native Nashville Nashville, TN
- Native North American Travelling College Cornwall Island, ON
- Native Veterans Association of Northwestern Ontario Thunder Bay, ON
- Nipmuc Indian Association of Connecticut Thompson, CT
- Northern California Indian Development Council Eureka, CA
- Northwest Indian Applied Research Institute Olympia, WA
- Northwest Indian Fisheries Commission Olympia, WA
- Odawa Native Friendship Centre Ottawa, ON
- Oklahoma Native Business Development Center Tulsa, OK
- Oneida Nation Arts Program Green Bay, WI
- ONMAKED , Congreso General de la Cultura Kuna (CGCK) Ciudad de Panamá
- Ontario Federation of Friendship Centres Toronto, ON
- Oregon Native American Chamber of Commerce Portland, OR
- Oyate working to see that our lives and histories are portrayed Berkeley, CA
- Phoenix Indian Center Phoeniz
- Pine Ridge Chamber of Commerce Pine Ridge, SD
- Red Earth, Inc. Oklahoma City, OK
- Rocky Mountain Indian Chamber of Commerce Denver, CO
- Saskatoon Indian Metis Friendship Centre Prince Albert, SK
- Society for the Advancement of Chicanos and Native Americans in Science Santa Cruz, CA
- Southeastern Native American Alliance (SENAA)
- Southern California Indian Center Fountain Valley, CA
- Southern Manitoba First Nations Repatriation Program Winnipeg, MB
- Southwestern Association for Indian Arts, Inc. (SWAIA) Santa Fe, NM
- Spotted Eagle, Inc. Milwaukee, WI
- Tohono O'odham Utility Authority (TOUA) Sells, AZ
- Tuscarora Center Emerald Isle, NC
- Unión de Organizaciones Campesinas de Cotacachi (UNORCAC) Cotacachi, Ecuador
- Union of British Columbia Indian Chiefs Vancouver, BC
- Union of Ontario Indians North Bay, ON
- United Native America
- United Urban Indian Council Oklahoma City, OK
- Unrepresented Nations and Peoples Organisation The Hague, The Netherlands
- West Virginia Native American Coalition
- Wordcraft Circle of Native Writers and Storytellers Albuquerque, NM
- Yooperaid

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© 1994 - Text and Graphics Karen M. Strom
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