WWW Virtual Library - American Indians
Index of Native American Bibliography Resources on the Internet
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Other Online Indices
- Aboriginal Connections
- AIHEC Virtual Library
- Bill Henderson's set of organized links
- to information on the Indigenous Peoples Worldwide
- Canadian First Nations from Academic Info
- eCultural Resources
- In Kiva and Hogan: Native Peoples of the American West, from WestWeb
- Librarian's Index to the Internet
- Lisa Mitten's List of links
- Native American Studies , Yale University Library Research Guide
- Native American Studies from Academic Info
- Native American Studies Subject Guide , Digital Library at Dartmouth
- NativeWeb
- Phil Konstantin's Links to Native American Sites
- Researching The Native American Selected Sources Available in the RIT Library
- Rock Art from Academic Info
- South Dakota State Archives from the South Dakota State Historical Society, containing the
- Indian Archives Project
- Village of First Nations
- A Critical Bibliography on North American Indians, for K-12 from the Smithsonian
- Annotated Bibliographies of Reports, Published Articles, and Books Relating to Archeology
- at Ganondagan State Historic Site through August 1997 [Missimg 3/2014]
- Anthropological Bibliographies & Research Documents from SUNY Buffalo
- Archaeoastronomy from The Infography
- Archaeology - Andean South America from The Infography
- Archaeology - Pueblo Indians from The Infography
- Battle of the little Bighorn from The Infography
- Bibliographies from the Anthropology Outreach Office of the National Museum of Natural History
- Bibliographies of Northern and Central California Indians
- Bibliography for Studies of American Indians in and Around Rhode Island
- Bibliography of Moche Sources
- Bibliography of Native American Playwrights
- Bibliography on Pueblo Indian Watercolors : Learning by Looking (Smithsonian)
- Books, Papers, Videos on Hupa Language
- Caddo Indians and Caddo Archaeology from The Infography
- Cultural Readings: Colonization and Print in the Americas
- Documentary Relations of the Southwest (DRSW)
- English Language - Native American Pidgin Dialects
- Ethnoarchaeology Bibliography compiled by Nicholas David
- Finding Aid for the Archives of the Association on American Indian Affairs , 1851-1995
- Friends of Ganondagan Educator Resources with an emphasis on the Iroquois
- Guide to Records in the National Archives Relating to Native Americans
- Handbook of Latin American Studies
- Covers Mexico and South America plus New Mexico during Spanish occupation
- Health of Native People of North America: An Annotated Mediagraphy
- Historical Documents Online: Native American Records
- Hunter-Gatherer Bibliography compiled by Dr. James Helmer
- Indigenous Languages - Teaching and Revitalization from The Infography
- Indigenous Literature with a Queer/LGBT/Two-Spirit Sensibility
- Indigenous Peoples Environmental Issues from The Infography
- Indigenous Peoples Knowledge Systems from The Infography
- Indigenous Studies Portal , University of Saskatchewan Libraries
- Lakota/Dakota Bibliography from Raymond A Bucko, S.J.
- Latin American Link Database (LANIC)
- Lewis and Clark Expedition from The Infography
- Library Services to Indigenous Populations: A Bibliography
- Lumbee Indians: An Annotated Bibliography Supplement
- Massachusetts State Archives Microfilm Card Index of Native Americans
- Maya Architecture from The Infography
- Mescalero Apache from The Infography
- Minnesota Archaeological Sources
- Mission 2000 , searchable database of Spanish Mission records of the Pimería Alta
- Mississippian Moundbuilders Art, Artifacts and Archaeology from The Infography
- Museums and Indigenous Peoples
- Native American Activism from The Infography
- Native American Education from The Infography
- Native American Ethnohistory from The Infography
- Native American Folklore from The Infography
- Native American History from The Infography
- Native American Law from The Infography
- Native American Literature from The Infography
- Native American Music from The Infography
- Native American Political Issues from The Infography
- Native American Political Systems and the Evolution of Democracy: An Annotated Bibliography by Bruce E. Johansen
- Native American Reference Materials, 1990 -, , from the Anchorage School District
- Native American Repatriation & Reburial: A Bibliography
- Compiled by Barb Bocek, Stanford Archaeologist
- Native American Studies from Stanford University Libraries
- Native American Women - Cultural Roles from The Infography
- Native Americans - Florida from The Infography
- Native Americans - Georgia from The Infography
- Native Americans - Texas from The Infography
- Native Americans and the Environment
- Extensive bibliographies and documentson a range environmental issues and concerns facing native peoples.
- Native Americans in Michigan: A Bibliography of Material in the Clarke Historical Library
- Native Americans in the Movies: A Bibliography of Materials in the UC Berkeley Library
- Native Pages from St. Francis Xavier University
- Navajo Bibliography for Beginners by Rodgerick Begay
- Labriola National American Indian Data Center at Arizona State University
- Navajo Code Talkers: A Select Bibliography
- North American Paleoindians from The Infography
- Northwest Coast -- Ethnology and History from The Infography
- One Hundred Years of Anthropology in Costa Rica
- Osage People from The Infography
- Pre-Columbian Archaeology Related Links
- Printed resources for Cherokee interests by Steve Russell
- Publications of the University of Pennsylvania Museums on Archaeology and Anthropology
- Pueblo Indians - Ethnography from The Infography
- Pueblo Indians - Ethnomusicology from The Infography
- References and Recommended Readings from the Hopi Cultural Preservation Office
- Resources for An Introduction to California's Native People
- Resources for California Teachers & Students
- Shoshone Bibliography
- Thomas Kavanagh's home page with essays on the reading of ethnographic photographs
- Tribal Warfare from The Infography
- Women in Ancient Mexico from The Infography
- Working Bibliography on Native American History from Lee Sultzman
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© 1994 - Text and Graphics Karen M. Strom
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