WWW Virtual Library - American Indians
Index of Native American Art Related Exhibits on the Internet
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Listen to an interview with Louise Erdrich, with Michael Krasny of Forum

- Maria Tallchief, Osage, America's prima ballerina
- Maria Tallchief Paschen Northwood University's Distinguished Woman's Awards
- Maria Tallchief (b. 1925) from Andros on Ballet
- Maria Tallchief from the Ballerina Gallery
- Kennedy Center Honors 1966
- Maria Tallchief
- National Medal of Honor, 2000
- Native America Calling Interview with Maria Tallchief , Feb. 22, 2002
- Maria Tallchief: America's Prima Ballerina Chapter 1
- Maria Tallchief Day in Chicago, IL , Feb. 27,1998
- Maria Tallchief from the National Woman's Hall of Fame
- Firebird from Oklahoma from Cultural Crossroads
- terpsichorean
- Purchase books & videos by and about Maria Tallchief
- Algonkuin Small Theatre Network
- American Indian Dance Theatre
- Centre for Indigenous Theatre
- De-ba-jeh-mu-jig Theatre Group
- In Tlanextli Tlacopa , Traditional Aztec Fire Dancers
- Native Art Network , National Service Organization for Native American Arts
- Native Earth Performing Arts
- Native Nations Dance Theater
- Perseverance Theater
- Red Eagle Soaring Native American Theatre Group
- Red Sky Performance
- Spiderwoman Theater
- Te Ata World Preniere
- Thunderbird Theater , Haskell Indian Nations University
- Tloke Nahuake , a traditional family of Aztec dancers
- Turtle Gals
- urban ink production society
- Yellow Bird Productions
- Aboriginal Arts
- Across Borders: Beadwork in Iroquois Life
- American Indian Computer Art Project
- Ancient Mexican Art
- Art & Technique Gallery , Matoska Trading Company
- Art of Being Kuna: Layers of Meaning Among the Kuna of Panama
- Artists Profiles at SWAIA
- Booming Out: Mohawk Ironworkers Build New York
- Camping with the Sioux , Fieldwork Diary of Alice Cunningham Fletcher
- Canela body adornment
- Cape Dorset Inuit Art and Inuit Cultural Perspectives
- Carving at Skidegate , carving a totem pole
- Contemporary Hopi Arts and Crafts , from the Hopi Cultural Preservation Office (PDF)
- Continuum: 12 Artists
- Creation’s Journey and All Roads Are Good
- Distant Relations Chicano, Irish & Mexican Art. Critical Writing.
- Drawing the Western Frontier
- Eskimo I& nuit Art Information Resource Articles
- First American Art: The Charles and Valerie Diker Collection
- freeapache: First International Indigenous Biennial
- Gifts Given by the Creator:
Contemporary American Indian Art [Missing 3/2014]
- Glimpses into Upper St’át’imc History through Photographs
- Great Masters of Mexican Folk Art
- Indian Blankets and their Makers , video clips
- Indian Humor , from the National Museum of the American Indian
- Instrument of Change: Jim Schoppert
- Inuit & Native Art Bulletin
- Inuit Art Foundation
- Kiowa Drawings
- Lakota Winter Counts {Flash or HTML}
- Legacy of Generations: Pottery by American Indian Women
- Legends of Our Times: Native Ranching and Rodeo Life on the Plains and Plateau
- Legends of our Times: Native Ranching and Rodeo Life on the Plains and Plateau
- Manidoominens: Beads and Beadwork
- Memory and Imagination: The Legacy of Maidu Indian Artist Frank Day
- Menominee Clans Story
- Mi'kmaq & Maliseet Cultural Objects
- Nampeyo Showcase
- Native Alaskan Graphic Arts:
Founding Artists
- Native American Art Studies Association
- Native American Cultural Center (NACC)
- Native American Fine Art Movement Resource Guide (PDF file)
- Native Basketry: Survival, Beauty
- Natl. Museum of the American Indian Student and Educators Portal
- Nunavut Arts and Crafts Association
- Orozco Frescoes at Dartmouth College
- About Orozco
The Coming of Quetzlcoatl
The Return of Quetzlcoatl
- Plains Indian Ledger Art
- Pride and Dignity: Aboriginal Portraits
- Pueblo Indian Watercolors: Learning by Looking
- Pueblo Pottery fromt the Internet Public Library
- Reservation X
- Splendid Heritage
- Squint Eyes, Artist & Indian Scout
- The Edge of Enchantment: Sovereignty & Ceremony in Hualtulco, México
- The language of Native American Baskets: From the Weaver's View
- The Respect to Bill Reid Pole
- Tichkematse: A Cheyenne at the Smithsonian
- Weavers at Musqueam
- Who Stole the Teepee?
- William White: My Ancestors are still Dancing
- Wingspread Collector's Guide Online Articles
- Art at the Crossroads
700 AD-1989, Chronology of Textiles and Fiber Art in New Mexico
Allan Houser
Antique Indian Silver Jewelry, A brief history of Indian Silver work in the Southwest
Poetry of the Pueblo Dances
Women's Work: Creating Beauty
Where the God's Come and Go: Navajo Sandpaintings
Collecting Contemporary Navajo Weavings
Collecting and Change in Native American Basketry
Collecting Indian Pottery
New Perspectives on Collecting Indian Artifacts
Contemporary Expression of Traditional Native American Art
Contemporary Navajo Folk Art
The First Storyteller
Glossary of Pueblo Pottery Terms
Helen Hardin 1943 - 1984
How Pueblo Pottery is Made
Indian Fetishes
Indian Trade Blankets
Indigenous Perspectives on Indian Art
IPOLA: Language is the Soul of a Nation
Ledger Drawings -- Then and Now
The Shadow Catcher: Edward Sheriff Curtis
What Does This Indian Symbol Mean?
What is Heishi?
With a View to the Southwest: Dorothy Dunn
A Phoenix rising from the Trail of Tears
The History of an Ancient Human Symbol
How Bronze Sculpture is Made
- Women Artists of the American West , An Internet Course and Resource from Purdue University
- Native American Women Photographers As Storytellers by Joan M. Jensen
- Pottery by American Indian Women, by Susan Peterson
- Lesbian Photography on the U.S. West Coast:
1972-1997, by Tee A. Corinne
- Shaping A New Way: White Women and the Movement to Promote
Pueblo Indian Arts and Crafts, 1900-1935, by Margaret D. Jacobs
- Woven by the Grandmothers
See also
Native American Artists listings.
Commercial Gallery listings.
Native American Related Museums listings.
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© 1994 - Text and Graphics Karen M. Strom
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