Pushing the Bear: After the Trail of Tears Diane Glancy No. 54.
N. Scott Momaday: Remembering Ancestors, Earth, and Traditions: an Annotated Bio-Bibliography Phyllis S. Morgan No. 525
The Marriage of Saints Dawn Karima Pettigrew No. 52.
The Singing Bird: A Cherokee Novel John Milton Oskison No. 53.
The Trickster of Liberty: Native Heirs to a Wild Baronage Gerald Vizenor No. 50.
Muting White Noise
Native American and European American Novel Traditions James H. Cox No. 51.
Field of Honor Don Birchfield No. 48.
Miracle Leo Dubray No. 49.
Louis Owens: Literary Reflections on his Life and Work Jacquelyn Kilpatrick No. 46.
Silko: Writing Storyteller and Medicine Woman Brewster E. Fitz No. 47.
A Pipe for February
Charles H. Red Corn No. 44.
Native America Calling interview with Charles Red Corn |
American Gypsy: Six Native American Plays
Diane Glancy No. 45.
The Mask Maker
Diane Glancy No. 42.
Grave Concerns, Trickster Turns: The Novels of Louis Owens
Christopher A. LaLonde No. 43.
I Hear the Train: Reflections, Inventions, Refractions
Louis Owens No.40.
Nightland Louis Owens No. 41.
Briefcase Warriors: Stories for the Stage
E. Donald Two-Rivers No. 38.
Other Words: American Indian Literature, Law, and Culture
Jace Weaver No. 39.
Gerald Vizenor No. 36.
Where the Pavement Ends: Five Native American Plays
William S. Yellow Robe No. 37.
Native America Calling interview with William Yellow Robe |
Kiss of the Fur Queen
Tomson Highway No. 34.
El Indio Jesus
Gilberto Chavez Ballejos & Shirley Hill Witt No. 35.
Momaday, Vizenor and Armstrong: Conversations on American Indian Writing
Hartwig Isernhagen No. 32.
The Voice That Was In Travel
Diane Glancy No. 33.
Survivor's Medicine
E. Donald Two-Rivers No. 29.
Dark River
Louis Owens No. 30.
Josannie's War
Karl Schlieser No. 27.
The Last Rattlesnake Throw
Ralph Salisbury No. 28.
Turtle Belly
Joel Monture No. 25.
Mixed Blood Messages
Louis Owens No. 26.
On Native Ground: Memoirs And Impressions
Jim Barnes No. 23.
The Map of Who We Are
Lawrence Smith No.24.
The Legacy of D'Arcy McNickle: Writer, Historian, Activist
John Lloyd Purdy No. 21.
From the Glittering World: A Navajo Story
Irvin Morris No.22.
Native American Perspectives on Literature and History
Alan Velie No. 19.
The Mexican Earth
Todd Downing No. 20.
Louis Owens No. 17.
On Second Thought: A Compilation Maurice Kenny No.18.
Mediation in Contemporary Native American Fiction
James Ruppert No. 15.
|   |
The Massacre at Sand Creek: Narrative Voices
Bruce Cutler No. 16.
Eye Killers
A. A. Carr No. 13.
The Absence of Angels
W. S. Penn No. 14.
Woodsman or Thoreau and the Indians
Arnold Krupat No. 11.
Only Approved Indians
Jack Forbes No. 12.
Faces in the Moon
Betty Louise Bell No. 9.
Bone Game
Louis Owens No. 10.
The Light People Gordon Henry No. 7.
Narrative Chance: Postmodern Discourse on Native American Literature
Gerald Vizenor No. 8.
Diane Glancy No. 5.
Summer In The Spring: Anishinaabe Lyric Poems And Stories
Gerald Vizenor No. 6.
Other Destinies: Understanding the American Indian Novel
Louis Owens No. 3.
All My Relations: An Anthology Of Contemporary Canadian Native Fiction Thomas King No. 4.
The Sharpest Sight
Louis Owens No. 1.
Dead Voices: Natural Agonies In The New World
Gerald Vizenor No. 2