Welcome to Hanksville!
The narratives available here are:
- Voyage to Another Universe -- 1994
- Travels with Daniel -- June 1995
- Thanksgiving in the Yucatan -- 1994
- Our Amazon.com bookstore for books referenced on these websites.
Other (non-narrative) sites found on (at/in) Hanksville:
- Index of Native American Resources on the Internet

- A Line in the Sand
- Storytellers: Native American Authors Online
- Just my Opinion, my personal blog
- Earth Forms, a fine art photography book by Stephen Strom
- Sticks and Stones: An Alphabet Book for the 21st Century
- Observatories of the Southwest: A Guide for Curious Skywatchers, a new book
- Stephen Strom, Photographer
- Karen Strom, Photographer
- Arizona Borderland Democrats
- Laura Tohe, Navajo poet
- Ronald Honyouti & Family, Katsina doll carvers
- Gerald Clarke, Cahullia artist
- Jane H. Bock, Botanist
- Multiwavelength imagery of the L1641 star forming region in Orion
- Inner Solar System Illustration and Discussion
- Blackbody Radiation interactive discussion and exercises.
Interested in Hanksville, Utah?
© 1994 - 2012 Karen M. Strom