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See the new Desert Places Series from the University of Arizona.
The West, in fiction, history, essays and science
- Abbey's Road : Take the Other, Edward Abbey, E P Dutton.
- Beyond the Wall : Essays from the Outside, Edward Abbey, Henry Holt.
- Desert Solitaire, Edward Abbey, Ballantine Books.
(Special Commemorative Hardcover Edition)
- Undaunted Courage : Meriwether Lewis, Thomas Jefferson, and the Opening of the American West
- Stephen E. Ambrose, Simon & Schuster.
(Audio Cassette)
- Lewis and Clark Among the Indians, James P. Ronda, Univ of Nebraska Press.
- Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee : An Indian History of the American West
- Dee Brown, Henry Holt.
- Sticks and Stones: An Alphabet Book for the 21st Century, Karen M. Strom, Book Surge.
- If You Poison Us: Uranium and Native Americans
- Peter H. Eichstaedt, Red Crane Books
- Heart Mountain, Gretel Ehrlich, Penguin USA.
- The Solace of Open Spaces, Gretel Ehrlich, Viking Press. (Audio Cassette)
- Devils Tower : Stories in Stone, Mary Alice Gunderson, High Plains Press.
- The Indians of Yellowstone Park, Joel C. Janetski, Univ of Utah Press.
- Navajo Sacred Places, Klara Bonsack Kelley, Harris Francis, Indiana Univ Press.
- Native Roads : The Complete Motoring Guide to the Navajo and Hopi Nations,
- Fran Kosik, George Hardeen, Creative Solutions Pub.
- Basin and Range, John McPhee, Noonday Press.
- The Control of Nature, John McPhee, Noonday Press.
- Rising from the Plains, John McPhee, Noonday Press.
- Dakota : A Spiritual Geography, Kathleen Norris, Houghton Mifflin Co.
- Talking to the Ground : One Family's Journey on Horseback Across the Sacred Land of the Navajo
- Douglas Preston, Univ of New Mexico Press.
- Crazy Horse : The Strange Man of the Oglalas, Mari Sandoz, Univ of Nebraska Press.
- Cheyenne Autumn, Mari Sandoz, Univ of Nebraska Press.
- The Battle of the Little Bighorn, Mari Sandoz, Univ of Nebraska Press.
- These Were The Sioux, Mari Sandoz, Univ of Nebraska Press.
- Killing Custer : The Battle of the Little Bighorn and the Fate of the Plains Indians
- James Welch with Paul Jeffrey Stekler, Penguin USA
- Named in Stone and Sky : An Arizona Anthology, Gregory McNamee (Editor),
- Univ of Arizona Press.
- A Guide Book to Highway 66, Jack D. Rittenhouse, Univ of New Mexico Press.
- The Colorado Plateau : A Geologic History, Donald L. Baars, Univ of New Mexico Press.
- Roadside Geology of Arizona, Halka Chronic, Mountain Press.
- Roadside Geology of New Mexico, Halka Chronic, Mountain Press.
- Roadside Geology of Utah, Halka Chronic, Mountain Press.
- Roadside Geology of Wyoming, Darwin R. Spearing, David R. Lageson, Mountain Press.
- Roadside Geology of the Yellowstone Country, William J. Fritz, Mountain Press.
- Roadside Geology of South Dakota, John Paul Gries, Mountain Press.
- Natural History of the Black Hills and Badlands, Sven G. Froiland,
- Center for Western Studies.
- Kokopelli Cassanova of the Cliff Dwellers: The Hunchbacked Flute Player,
- John V. Young, Filter Press.
- Indian Rock Art of the Southwest, Polly Schaafsma, Univ of New Mexico Press.
- Rock Art in New Mexico, Polly Schaafsma, Karl Kernberger, Curtis F. Schaafsma,
- Museum of New Mexico Press.
- The Rock Art of Utah : A Study from the Donald Scott Collection, Polly Schaafsma,
- Univ of Utah Press.
- Kachinas in the Pueblo World, Polly Schaafsma (Editor), Univ of New Mexico Press.
- Burntwater, Scott Thybony, Univ of Arizona Press.
- Sweet Medicine : Sites of Indian Massacres, Battlefields, and Treaties
- by Drex Brooks (Photographer), Patricia Nelson Limerick, Forward by James Welch
- Indian Givers : How the Indians of the Americas Transformed the World
- Jack Weatherford, Fawcett Books
- Native Roots : How the Indians Enriched America, Jack Weatherford, Fawcett Books.
- Skywatchers of Ancient Mexico,
- Anthony F. Aveni, Univ of Texas Press.
- Stairways to the Stars : Skywatching in Three Great Ancient CulturesAnthony Aveni,
- John Wiley & Sons.
- Empires of Time : Calendars, Clocks, and CulturesAnthony F. Aveni, Kodansha.
- Conversing With the Planets : How Science and Myth Invented the Cosmos
- by Anthony Aveni, Kodansha.
- The Maya (Ancient Peoples and Places) Michael D. Coe, Thames & Hudson.
- Breaking the Maya Code, Michael D. Coe, Thames & Hudson.
- Mexico : From the Olmecs to the Aztecs Michael D. Coe, Thames & Hudson.
- An Archaeological Guide to Mexico's Yucatan Peninsula
- Joyce Kelly, Jerry Kelly (Photographer), Univ of Oklahoma Press.
Native American Literature: Fiction and Autobiography
- Working in the Dark Jimmy Santiago Baca, Red Crane Books.
- Four Masterworks of American Indian Literature, John Bierhorst (Editor),
- Univ of Arizona Press.
- The Way To Rainy Mountain, N. Scott Momaday, University of New Mexico Press.
- (Momaday Collection) (Hardcover) Univ of Arizona Press.
- The Names, N. Scott Momaday, University of Arizona Press.
- (Momaday Collection) (Hardcover) Univ of Arizona Press.
- No Turning Back: A Hopi Woman's Struggle to Live in Two Worlds
- Polingaysi Qoyawayma (Elizabeth Q. White) as told to Vada F. Carlson,
- University of New Mexico Press
- Lakota Woman, Mary Crow Dog and Richard Erdoes
- (New York: Harper Perennial)
- Waterlily, Ella Cara Deloria, University of Nebraska Press.
- Mean Spirit, Linda Hogan, Ivy Books.
- Skins, Adrian Louis, Crown Pub.
- Lame Deer Seeker of Visions, John Lame Deer, Richard Erdoes, Washington Square.
- Winter of the Holy Iron, Joseph Marshall III, Red Crane Books.
- The Surrounded, D'Arcy McNickle, Univ of New Mexico Press.
- Wind from an Enemy Sky, D'Arcy McNickle, Univ of New Mexico Press.
- House Made of Dawn, N. Scott Momaday, HarperCollins
- (Momaday Collection) (Hardcove,r) Univ of Arizona Press.
- The Ancient Child, N. Scott Momaday, HarperCollins.
- From the Glittering World : A Navajo Story, Irvin Morris,
- (American Indian Literature and Critical Studies Series, 22), Univ of Oklahoma Press.
- Grass Dancer, Susan Power, Berkley Pub Group.
- (Audio Cassettes)
- The Death of Bernadette Lefthand, Ron Querry,
- Bantam Doubleday Dell Pub.
- The Man to Send Rain Clouds : Contemporary Stories by American Indians,
- Kenneth Rosen (Editor), R.C. Gorman, Aaron Yava, Penguin USA
- Powwow Highway, David Seals, Plume.
- Almanac of the Dead, Leslie Marmon Silko, Penguin USA.
- Ceremony, Leslie Marmon Silko, Penguin USA
- Storyteller, Leslie Marmon Silko, Arcade Books.
- The Death of Jim Loney, James Welch, Penguin USA
- Fools Crow, James Welch, Penguin USA.
- The Indian Lawyer (Contemporary American Fiction), Penguin USA
- Winter in the Blood, James Welch, Penguin USA.
- James Welch : Winter in the Blood/Readings/Audio Cassette, Amer Audio Prose Library.
Collections of Interviews and Autobiographical Essays
- Native American Perspectives on Literature and History
- (American Indian Literature and Critical Studies Series, Vol 19) Alan R. Velie (Editor)
- I Tell You Now : Autobiographical Essays by Native American Writers
- by Brian Swann, Arnold Krupat, Brompton Books Corp.
- Survival This Way : Interviews With American Indian Poets
- Joseph Bruchac III (Editor), (Sun Tracks Books, No 15) University of Arizona Press
Native American Culture
- Black Elk Speaks: Being the Life Story of a Holy Man of the Oglala Sioux,
- As told through John G. Neihardt, University of Nebraska Press.
(Audio Cassette)
- Children of Clay: A Family of Pueblo Potters, Rina Swentzell,
- (Lerner Publications, Minneapolis)
- Speaking of Indians, Ella Cara Deloria, University of South Dakota Press.
- A Papago Traveler, James McCarthy, University of Arizona Press.
- Sacred Ways of Knowledge : Sources of Life, Anna Lee Walters, Peggy V. Beck,
- Navajo Community College Press.
- The Main Stalk : A Synthesis of Navajo Philosophy, John R. Farella,
- Univ of Arizona Press.
- Earth Is My Mother, Sky Is My Father : Space, Time, and Astronomy in Navajo Sandpainting,
- Trudy Griffin-Pierce, Univ of New Mexico Press.
- Holy Wind in Navajo Philosophy, James Kale McNeley, Univ of Arizona Press.
- Dine Bahane : The Navajo Creation Story, Paul Zolbrod (Translator),
- Univ of New Mexico Press.
Poetry by Native Writers
- Home Places : Contemporary Native American Writing from Sun Tracks
- Larry Evers, Ofelia Zepeda (Editors), (Sun Tracks, Vol 31), Univ of Arizona Press.
- Blue Horses for Navajo Women, Nia Francisco, Greenfield Review Press.
- Storm pattern : poems from two Navajo women, Della Frank and Roberta Joe,
- Navajo Community College Press.
- The Woman Who Fell From the Sky, Joy Harjo, W.W. Norton
- In Mad Love and War,
Joy Harjo, Wesleyan University Press
- Secrets From The Center Of The World,
Joy Harjo; photographs, Stephen E. Strom
- (Sun Tracks Books, No. 17)
- She Had Some Horses,
Joy Harjo, Thunder's Mouth Press
- Borders, Pat Mora, Arte Publico Press.
- Chants, Pat Mora, Arte Publico Press.
- Communion, Pat Mora, Arte Publico Press.
- Mud Woman, Poems from the Clay, Nora Naranjo-Morse
- (Sun Tracks Books, No 20) University of Arizona Press.
- Woven
Stone, Simon Ortiz
- (Sun Tracks Books, No 21) University of Arizona Press.
- Contains the entire contents of:
A Good Journey
(Sun Tracks Books, No 12) University of Arizona Press.
Fight Back for the Sake of the People for the Sake of the Land, Univ of New Mexico.
Going for the rain : poems Harper & Row
- The Halfbreed Chronicles and Other Poems, Wendy Rose, West End Press.
- Lost Copper, Wendy Rose, Malki Museum Press
- Hopi Roadrunner, Dancing, Wendy Rose, Greenfield Review Press.
- What Happened When the Hopi Hit New York, Wendy Rose, (Contact II Chapbook)
- Saánii Dahataa
: The Women Are Singing : Poems and Stories, Luci Tapahonso - (Sun Tracks Books, No 23) University of Arizona Press.
- Blue Horses Rush In : Poems and Stories, Luci Tapahonso, (Sun Tracks Books, No 34)
- University of Arizona Press.
- A Breeze Swept Through, Luci Tapahonso, West End Press
- Seasonal Woman, Luci Tapahonso, Bookpeople.
- Ocean Power : Poems from the Desert, Ofelia Zepeda, (Sun Tracks Vol 32),
- Univ of Arizona Press.
- When It Rains : Papago and Pima Poetry,Ofelia Zepeda, Univ of Arizona Press.
Poetry and Stories by Non-Native Authors
- Terms to Be Met, George Bradley, (Yale Series of Younger Poets, No 81),
- Yale Univ Press.
- Of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, George Bradley, Knopf.
- No Roof but Sky : Poetry of the American West, Jane Candia Coleman, High Plains Press.
- The Red Drum : Poetry of the American West, Jane Candia Coleman, High Plains Press.
- Shadows in My Hands : A Southwestern Odyssey, Jane Candia Coleman,
- Swallow Press.
- Outcroppings from Navajoland, Donald Levering, Navajo Community College Press.
- West of the Thirties : Discoveries Among the Navajo and Hopi, Edward T. Hall,
- Anchor Books.
- Talking to the Ground : One Family's Journey on Horseback Across the Sacred Land of the Navajo
- by Douglas Preston, Univ of New Mexico Press.
- Selected Poems, 1969-1981, Richard Shelton, Univ of Pittsburgh Press.
- Hohokam, Richard Shelton, Sun Gemini Press.
- Going Back to Bisbee, Richard Shelton, Univ of Arizona Press.
- The Man Who Fell in Love With the Moon, Tom Spanbauer, Harperperennial Library.
- Pieces of White Shell : A Journey to Navajoland, Terry Tempest Williams,
- Clifford Brycelea (Illustrator), Univ of New Mexico Press.
- An Unspoken Hunger : Stories from the Field, Terry Tempest Williams, Vintage Books
- Refuge : An Unnatural History of Family and Place, Terry Tempest Williams,
- Vintage Books.
(Audio Cassette)
- Custer Died for Your Sins Vine Deloria, Jr., University of Oklahoma Press.
- Behind the Trail of Broken Treaties Vine Deloria, Jr., Univ of Texas Press.
- American Indian Policy in the Twentieth
Century, Vine Deloria, Jr. (Editor),
- Univ of Oklahoma Press.
- American Indians, American Justice, Vine Deloria, Clifford M. Lytle,
- Univ of Texas Press.
- Strong Hearts : Native American Visions and Voices (Aperture 139)
- by Peggy Roalf (Editor)
- Dwellings, Linda Hogan
- The Man Made of Words : Essays, Stories, Passages, N. Scott Momaday,
- St Martins Press.
- Yellow Woman and A Beauty of the Spirit Leslie Marmon Silko,
- Touchstone Books.
- On Behalf of the Wolf and the First Peoples Joseph Marshall III , Red Crane Books