byNia Francisco
- Canyon de Chelly my love
the massiveness of you stretched
across our bed
- Slowly smoke rises
snow slowly falling
and the smell of meat cooking
makes you a hungry entity for love
- the musky odor smells like deer meat
- Canyon de Chelly come on
don't flirt with black birds
or become a memorial for tourist
- You have a life giving river in your hands
because you are unchanging
to temporary moments
- Because you are unchanging
I love you honey canyon
the leaves change color but you remain
and you know too many other women
to be actually lonely lonely
- your beer smelling breath
makes you sexy Canyon de Chelly
- and you say BEER is your business
- So?
I still want all of you
From Blue Horses for Navajo Women by Nia Francisco, Greenfield Review Press.
© 1988 Nia Francisco
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