Carter Revard
Carter Revard, part Osage on his father's side, was given his Osage name
in 1952 in Pawhuska, the Agency town where he was born, by his grandmother,
Mrs. Josephine Jump. He grew up in the Buck Creek Valley twenty miles east
of Pawhuska, working in the hay and harvest fields, training greyhounds, and
graduating as did his six brothers and sisters from Buck Creek School (one
room, eight grades), where he and his twin sister did the janitoring in
their eighth grade year. He graduated from Bartlesville College High,
winning a radio quiz scholarship to the University of Tulsa, where he
took a B.A. in 1952. He then took a B.A. from Oxford University with the
help of a Rhodes Scholarship and support from Professor Franklin
Eikenberry of the University of Tulsa, who also helped him go on to a
Ph.D. from Yale University in 1959. Upon receiving his degree, Carter taught at Amherst College. Since 1961 he has taught at Washington
University, St. Louis, and as a Visiting Professor at the University of
Tulsa and University of Oklahoma. His scholarly work has been in medieval
English literature [manuscripts, patrons, social contexts], linguistics,
and American Indian literature. Two collections of his poems have been
published by Point Riders Press in Oklahoma: Ponca War Dancers (1980)
and Cowboys and Indians Christmas Shopping (1992). More recently, An Eagle Nation
and Family Matters, Tribal Affairs have been published by the University of Arizona Press. Carter's poems and
stories have appeared in many journals and such anthologies as Talking
Leaves (Dell, 1991) and New Worlds of Literature (Norton, 1989).
Among the organizations to which Carter belongs are the Modern Language Association, the American Indian Center of St. Louis, where he was a board member in 1980-81 and 1984, secretary, 1986-90, and president, 1990--,
the Association for Studies in American Indian Literature, the River Styx Literary Organization, the Association of American Rhodes Scholars, the
University of Tulsa Board of Visitors, the St. Louis Gourd Dancers and
Phi Beta Kappa.
A short biography from
the Internet Public Library's Native American Author's Project is available.
Carter is the 2005 Lifetime Achievement Award winner from the Native Writers' Circle of the Americas.
The Spring 2003 issue of the journal SAIL (Studies in American Indian Literatures) was devoted to Carter's work.
In 2000, Carter was named Writer of the year - Autobiography for Family Matters, Tribal Affairs by the Wordcraft Circle of Native Writers.
In 2002, he was a Finalist for the Oklahoma Book Award in the Non-Fiction category
for Winning the Dust Bowl. In 1994 Carter's book Eagle Nation was the winner of the Oklahoma Book Award
in the Poetry category. Family Matters, Tribal Affairs was a finalist in the non-fiction category for the Oklahoma Book Award
in 1999.
Carter received a Rhodes Scholarship in 1952. His Osage name, Nompewathe,
was given to him in the same year. In 1966 he was named one of the Outstanding Young Men in America.
He has received travel grants
from the ACLS and the NEH, a Neil Ker Fellowship from the British Academy,
a residency from the Millay Colony for the Arts in 1997, and in 1998,
he had a residency at the MacDowell Colony in Peterborough, NH.
Writing available online
- Over By Fairfax, Leaving Tracks
- Looking Before and After
- Skins as Old Testament (from Salt Publishing; see also a video clip on this page.)
- Making a Name from Family Matters, Tribal Affairs
- A Brief Guide to American History Teachers
- Why Mark Twain Murdered Injun Joe—And Will Never Be Indicted
- Carter reading his work (from the Salt Publishing site)
- Birch Canoe (948 KB)
- Chimes at Midnight (3.4 MB)
- Coyote Tells Why He Sings (1.7 MB)
- Dancing with Dinosaurs (5.1 MB)
- Driving in Oklahoma (1.8 MB)
- History into Words (3.8 MB)
- Letter to Friends on the Isle of Skye (5.1 MB)
- Looking Before and After (2.4 MB)
- Parading with the Veterans of Foreign Wars (3.3 MB)
- Songs of the Wine-throated Hummingbird (4.4 MB)
Books by Carter Revard or containing his work 
- How the Songs Come Down, Salt Pub.
- Winning the Dust Bowl, University of Arizona Press.
- Family Matters, Tribal Affairs (Sun Tracks, Vol. 36)
- University of
Arizona Press. (Hardcover)
- An Eagle Nation (Sun Tracks Books, No 24) University of Arizona Press.
- Cowboys and Indians Christmas Shopping, Point Riders Press.
- Ponca war dancers, Point Riders Press.
- Native Heritage: American Indian Literature Carter Revard, Editor,
- Nebraska English and Language Arts Council, 1993.
- Genocide of the Mind, Marijo Moore (Editor), Thunder's Mouth Press.
- Verse and Universe; Contemporary Poems about Science and Math
- Kurt Brown (Editor), Milkweed Editions
- the Indian Summer issue of phati'tude
- Home Places : Contemporary Native American Writing from Sun Tracks (Sun Tracks, Vol 31)
- by Larry Evers (Editor), Ofelia Zepeda (Editor), Univ of Arizona Press.
- A review of Home Places by Steve Brock
- Columbus
& Beyond : Views from Native Americans,
- Southwest Parks &
- Returning the Gift: Poetry and Prose from the First North
American Native Writers' Festival
- (Sun Tracks Books, No 29) University of Arizona Press.
- Durable Breath : Contemporary Native American Poetry, John E.
Smelcer, D. L. Birchfield
- (Editors), Salmon Run Pub.
- Smoke Rising : The Native North American Literary Companion, Janet Witalec,
- Visible Ink Press.
- The Riverside Anthology of Literature, Douglas Hunt (Editor), Houghton Mifflin Co.
- Earth Power Coming : Short Fiction in Native American Literature
- Ed. by Simon J. Ortiz, Navajo Community College Press
- The Remembered Earth : An Anthology of
Contemporary Native American Literature
- by Geary Hobson (Editor), Univ of New Mexico Press
- Talking Leaves : Contemporary Native American Short Stories
- by Craig Lesley, Katheryn Stavrakis (Editor) Dell Books
- American
Indian Literature : An Anthology, by Alan R. Velie, Univ. of
Oklahoma Press.
- Voices of
the Rainbow : Contemporary Poetry by Native Americans
- by Kenneth Rosen
(Editor), R.C. Gorman, Aaron Yava (Illustrator), Arcade Pub.
- The Norton Anthology of Poetry, by Margaret Ferguson (Editor), Mary Jo Salter
- Jon Stallworthy, 4th Edition , W W Norton & Co.
- Harper's Anthology of 20th Century Native American Poetry
- by Duane Niatum (Editor) HarperCollins
- New Worlds of Literature : Writings from America's Many Cultures
- by Jerome Beaty (Editor), J. Paul Hunter (Editor), W W Norton & Co.
- Sound and
Sense : An Introduction to Poetry by Laurence Perrine, Thomas R. Arp,
- Harcourt Brace College & School Div.
Books Containing Interviews with Carter and Writing About His Work 
- The spirit of place in contemporary American Indian poetry, Norma Jean Clark Wilson, University Microfilms.
- Speak to Me Words: Essays on Contemporary American Indian Poetry,
- Janice Gould and Dean Rader (Editors), Univ. Arizona Press.
- SAIL (Studies in American Indian Literatures), V 15, #1, Spring 2003, containing:
- Some Notes on Native American Literature -- Carter Revard
- Transfigurations -- Carter Revard
- An Interview with Carter Revard -- Janet McAdams
- Carter in Space -- Eric Gary Anderson
- Worlds into Words: The Technology of Language in Carter Revard's Poetry -- Ellen Arnold
- Making a Place to Live: Carter Revard and the Art of Translation -- Lauren Stuart Muller
- The Poetry of Carter Revard: Stars Among the Walking -- Dean Rader
- "I Have More Than One Song": Singing and Bird Song in the Work of Carter Revard -- Susan Scarberry-Garcia
- Letter to Carter Revard -- Norma Wilson
- Carter Revard as Auto-ethnographer -- Suzanne Evertsen Lundquist
- Translating Carter Revard: An Adventure Among Mixed and Fertile Words -- Márgara Averbach
- The Nature of Native American Poetry, Norma C. Wilson, Univ. New Mexico Press.
- Survival This Way : Interviews With American Indian Poets
- Joseph Bruchac III (Editor), (Sun Tracks Books, No 15) University of Arizona Press
- I Tell You Now : Autobiographical Essays by Native American Writers
- by Brian Swann, Arnold Krupat, Brompton Books Corp.
This is an "official" site in that this page was constructed with the
assistance and active collaboration of the poet, Carter Revard.
© 1997 Carter Revard and Karen Strom.
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