Janice Gould
Janice Gould, of Maidu/Konkow descent, was born in San Diego and grew up in Berkeley, CA.
She earned degrees in English and linguistics at UC Berkeley and a Ph.D. in in English
from the University of New Mexico. Janice has taught Native American Literature and Creative Writing at the Celebrate Youth and the
Flight of the Mind summer workshops, and the College of Santa Fe summer session. While a graduate student at the University of New Mexico, she
taught several courses there in Creative Writing, Women's Studies and
American Studies. She has taught at the University of Northern
Colorado in the English Department.
Janice Gould is the Hallie Ford Chair in Creative Writing at Willamette University.
A short biography from
the Internet Public Library's
Native American Author's Project is available.
Janice Gould's journal publications.
Janice Gould's Conference Papers.
Writing available online
- Coyotismo
- Easter Sunday, Weber Studies, Fall 1995, Vol 12.3
In 1989 Janice received a National Endowment for the Arts literary fellowship,
following a Roothbert Fellowship received in 1988.
She received the Astraea award in 1992 for her poetry from the Lesbian Writers Fund.
In 1994-95 she was awarded a Ford Foundation Fellowship.
Books by Janice Gould or containing her work 
- Speak to Me Words: Essays on Contemporary American Indian Poetry, as Editor and author (with Dean Rader), Univ. Arizona Press.
- Earthquake Weather : Poems (Sun Tracks ; V. 33), Univ of Arizona Press.
- Review of Earthquake Weather by Fiona D. Russell
- Alphabet, [chapbook/artbook], May Day Press.
- Beneath My Heart : Poetry, Firebrand Books.
- Review of Beneath My Heart by Lee Anne Phillips
- Reading Native Women: Critical/Creative Representations, Altamira Press. (In Press)
- The Reader's Companion to U.S. Women's History, Wilma Mankiller, Gwendolyn Mink,
- Marys Navarro (Editors), Houghton Mifflin Co.
- Reinventing the Enemy's Language : Contemporary Native Women's Writing
of North America
- (Edited by Joy Harjo and Gloria Bird), W.W. Norton.
- the Indian Summer issue of phati'tude
- My Lover
Is a Woman : Contemporary Lesbian Love Poems, Leslea Newman (Editor),
- Ballantine Books.
- The Arc of Love : An Anthology of Lesbian Love Poems
- Clare Coss (Editor), Scribner.
- The Key to Everything : Classic Lesbian Love Poems
- Gerry Gomez Pearlberg (Editor), St Martins Press.
- The Colour of Resistance : A Contemporary Collection of Writing by Aboriginal Women
- by Connie Fife, Sister Vision Press.
- Choosing to Emerge As Readers and Writers : A Multicultural Reader,
- Marilyn Smith Layton (Editor), Harpercollins College Division.
- De/Colonizing the Subject : The Politics of Gender in Women's Autobiography,
- Sidonie Smith, Julia Watson (Editors), Univ of Minnesota Press.
- Returning the Gift: Poetry and Prose from the First North
American Native Writers' Festival
- (Sun Tracks Books,
No 29) University of Arizona Press.
- Unsettling America : An Anthology of Contemporary Multicultural Poetry,
- Maria M. Gillan, Jennifer Gillan (Editors), Penguin USA
- The Sound of Rattles and Clappers : A Collection of New California Indian Writing,
- (Sun Tracks Books, No. 26) University of Arizona Press. (Hardcover)
- Lesbian Culture : An Anthology : The Lives, Work, Ideas, Art and Visions of Lesbians
- Past and Present
Julia Penelope, Susan J. Wolfe (Editors), Crossing Press.
- Blue Mesa Review #5, Rudolfo Anaya (Editor), Univ of New Mexico Press.
- The Poetry of Sex : Lesbians Write the Erotic, Tee A. Corinne (Editor), Banned Books.
- An Intimate Wilderness : Lesbian Writers on Sexuality, Judith Barrington (Editor),
- Eighth Mountain Press.
- Making Face, Making Soul/Haciendo Caras :
- Creative and Critical Perspectives by Women of Color
, Gloria Anzaldua, Melanie Kaye Kantrowitz (Editors), Aunt Lute Books.
- Living the Spirit : A Gay American Indian Anthology, Will Roscoe (Editor), St. Martin's Press.
- Spider Woman's Granddaughters : Traditional Tales and Contemporary
- Writing by Native American Women
, Paula Gunn Allen (Editor), Fawcett Books.
- Naming the Waves : Contemporary Lesbian Poetry, Christian McEwen (Editor), Crossing Press.
- My Story's On, Common Differences Press.
- A Gathering of Spirit : A Collection by North American Indian Women, Beth Brant (Editor),
- Firebrand Books. (Hardcover)
Biographical/Critical Works 
- Contemporary Lesbian Writers of the United States: A Bio-Bibliographical Critical Sourcebook
- Sandra Pollack, Denise D. Knight (Editors), Greenwood Publishing Group.
- Contemporary Literary Criticism: Yearbook 1996 , Deborah A. Stanley, Jeff Chapman,
- Pamela S. Dear (Editors), Gale Research.
Work published in Languages other than English
- Figlie di Pocahontas (Daughters of Pocahontas) (Grunti, 1995)
- An anthology published in Italy in both English and Italian.
This is an "official" site in that this page was constructed with the
assistance and active collaboration of the poet, Janice Gould. The website
"author" is Karen M. Strom.
© 1997-2003 Janice Gould and Karen Strom.
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