Diane Glancy
Diane Glancy was born in 1941 in Kansas City, Missouri, of a Cherokee father and an English/German mother.
Her B.A. was received from the University of Missouri in 1964.
She was married for 19 years to Dwane Glancy and has
a son, David, born in 1964 and a daughter, Jennifer, born in 1967. From 1980 to 1986 Diane
was Artist-in-Residence for the State Arts Council of Oklahoma.
Several of her books come from that experience. In 1987, she attended the Iowa
Writers Workshop and subsequently obtained her M.F.A. from the University of Iowa in 1988.
The following year she began teaching at Macalester College in St. Paul, Minnesota,
where she is now a Professor in the English Dept. In
Creative Writing, she teaches poetry, fiction, creative nonfiction and scriptwriting. She also teaches a Native American Literature
course and a seminar in Native American Literature. She has also taught in the Bread Loaf School of English M.A.
program on the campus of the Native American Preparatory School in Rowe, New Mexico, in 1999.
A short biography from
the Internet Public Library's
Native American Author's Project.
Diane's play productions.
Diane's page in the
Native American Women Playwrights Archive.
Diane's entry in
Voices from the Gaps
Writing available online
- He Has More Than One Ear
- Mostly it was arid here before the windmill, (An Anthology of Great Plains Poets) : An article from: The Midwest Quarterly
- The moon on their breath, (Short Story) : An article from: Frontiers - A Journal of Women's Studies
- Tekonwatonti, Molly Brant: Poems (1735-1795)., (book reviews) : An article from: The American Indian Quarterly
- Tough Cookie
- Hog Barn
- Eee ay who tow
- 3 Poems at The Poetry Project
- NOah's akR
Leeroy's Wife Paint Nails
Primer of the Obsolete
- Some Thoughts On Our Uncommon Language
- A Trellis in the Snow
- Mine
- Lamentations, about half way down the page.
- Red Moonwalking Woman in Ploughshares
- Minimal Indian in Ploughshares
- Halfact, a play
- Interview with Diane from Voices of Minnesota
on Minnesota Public Radio (in RealAudio)
- Diane reading from The West Pole, (in RealAudio)
Diane was named the Writer of the Year for Screenplays 2003-2004 by the Wordcraft Circle of Native Writers and Storytellers.
She was awarded a 2003 National Endowment for the Arts Fellowship and the 2003 Juniper Poetry Prize from the University of Massachusetts Press for Primer of the Obsolete.
She has received the Arts and Science Distinguished Alumni Award from the University of Missouri,
the Cherokee Medal of Honor from the Cherokee Honor Society in Tahlequah, OK, and the Thomas Jefferson
Teaching/Scholarship Award from Macalester College.
Diane was the Native American Inroads Mentor at The Loft Literary Center in Minneapolis where she taught Creative
Nonfiction in 1997. She also received a Creative Nonfiction Fellowship from The Loft in 1990,
a Career Initiative Grant in 1996, and a
McKnight Artist Fellowships for Writers Loft Award of Distinction for
Creative Prose in 1999. In 1993 Diane received the Emily Dickinson Poetry Prize
from the Poetry Society of America. In 2001 she received the Pablo Neruda Prize for Poetry
from the Nimrod Journal, University of Tulsa. Diane held a Lannan Foundation Fellowship
at the Provincetown Art Center Residency in 1995. She received a Minnesota Humanities Commission Grant in 1997
and a grant from the Minnesota State Arts Board in 1990.
The Stones for a Pillow was the National Federation of State Poetry Societies Manuscript Winner for 2000
and was a finalist for the Oklahoma Book Award for poetry. In 2003, The Mask Maker received the Oklahoma Book Award in the fiction category.
In 2000 (Ado) Ration was a finalist for the Oklahoma Book Award for poetry while The Voice That Was in Travel
was a finalist in the fiction category. The Cold-and-Hunger Dance was a finalist in the non-fiction category in 1999 and
Flutie was a finalist in the fiction category. In 1997 Pushing the Bear was a finalist in the fiction category and in 1996 Boom Town
was a finalist in the Poetry/Playscript category.
Iron Woman received the Capricorn prize, given by The Writers Voice, New York.
Trigger Dance was awarded the 1990 Charles and Mildred Nilon
Fiction Award from the University of Colorado and the Fiction Collective.
Claiming Breath was awarded the North American Indian Prose
Award from the University of California (Berkeley and Santa Cruz)
and the American Book Award from the Before Columbus Foundation in 1993.
Lone Dog's Winter Count received the Minnesota Book Award for Poetry.
One Age in a Dream received the Lakes and Prairies Prize in 1986.
Diane was the Five Civilized Tribes Playwright Laureate in 1984-86,
1988-90, and 1994-96. She received the Aspen Theater Chamberlain Prize in 1988
and the Oklahoma Theater Association Award in 1987. In 2001, Diane held a Works in Progress Fellowship
at the Red Eye Theatre in Minneapolis. She has held Many Voices Playwriting Fellowships
from the Playwrights Center in Minneapolis in 1995 and 2001, a Sundance Screenwriting Fellowship at U.C.L.A. in 1998,
and received the Wordcraft Circle of Native Writers Playwriting Award in 1997. In 1990, Diane was awarded the
Borderlands Theater Play Festival Award and in 1989, she received the Jones Commission from
the Playwright's Center in Minneapolis.
She has held Blandin Private College Foundation Grants in 1990, 1991 and 1994, a Wallace Faculty Travel Grant in 1993, Jerome Travel Grants in 1990 and 1995, and a Diverse Visions Grant from Intermedia Arts Minnesota in 1990.
She has also been a Fred C. Allen Fellow at the Newberry Library, a National Endowment for the Arts
Fellow in 1990 and a National Endowment for the Humanities Fellow in 1990,
an Edwin Piper Memorial Fellow, and and Equal Opportunity Fellow (both at the University of Iowa).
She has been an Artist in Residence for both the states of Oklahoma and Arkansas.
In the Spring Quarter of 1998, Diane was the Edlestein-Keller Minnesota Writer of
Distinction at the University of Minnesota.
Books by Diane Glancy or containing her work
- Rooms, Salt Pub.
- Primer of the Obsolete, Univ. Mass Press.
- The Shadow's Horse, Univ. Arizona Press.
- The Relief of America, Tia Chucha Press.
- The Stones for a Pillow, National Federation of State Poetry Societies Press.
- (Ado)Ration, Chax Press.
- The Closets of Heaven, Chax Press.
- Visit Teepee Town : Native Writings After the Detours, Diane Glancy, Mark Nowak (Editors), Coffeehouse Press.
- Asylum in the Grasslands, Moyer Bell.
- Boom Town, Black Hat Press.
- Coyote's Quodlibet, Chax Press.
- Lone Dog's Winter Count, West End Press.
- Iron Woman, New Rivers Press
- Offering : Poetry & Prose, Holy Cow Press.
- One Age in a Dream : Poems, Milkweed Editions
- Publisher's page for this book.
- Brown Wolf Leaves the Res, (chapbook), Blue Cloud Quarterly.
- In-Between Places, Univ. Arizona Press. Essays
- Stone Heart: A Novel of Sacajawea, Overlook Press.
- Designs of the Night Sky
- (Native Storiers: An American Narratives Series), Univ. Nebraska Press.
Native American Calling interview with Diane about Designs of the Night Sky
- The Mask Maker
- American Indian Literature and Critical Studies Series, Vol 42, U of OK Press.
- The Man Who Heard the Land, Minnesota Historical Society.
- The Voice That Was in Travel : Stories
- American Indian Literature and Critical Studies Series, Vol 33, U of OK Press.
Review from the Baton Rouge Advocate
- Fuller Man, Moyer Bell Ltd.
- The Closets Of Heaven, Chax Press.
- Two Worlds Walking : Short Stories, Essays, & Poetry by Writers With Mixed Heritages,
- Diane Glancy, C.W. Truesdale (Editors), New Rivers Press.
- The Cold-And-Hunger Dance, University of Nebraska Press.
- Flutie, Moyer Bell Ltd.
- Nominated for the Impac Dublin Literary Award
- The West Pole, Univ. of Minnesota Press. (Essays)
- Pushing the Bear; A Novel of the Trail of Tears, Harcourt Brace.
- The Only Piece of Furniture in the House : A Novel, Moyer Bell Ltd.
- Trigger Dance, Fiction Collectice Two/Black Ice Books. (Short Stories)
- Monkey Secret, TriQuarterly Books. (Short Stories)
- Firesticks : A Collection of Stories,
- (American Indian Literature and Critical Studies Series, Vol 5),Univ of Oklahoma Press. (Short Stories)
- Claiming Breath, Univ of Nebraska Press. (Essays)
- Braided Lives: An Anthology of Multicultural American Writing,
- As Editor, with David Mura, Juanita Garciaodoy and Musa Moore-Foster, Minnesota Humanities Commission Staff (Editor), Minnesota Humanities Commission Staff.
- American Gypsy: Six Native American Plays
- American Indian Literature and Critical Studies Series, Vol 45, U of OK Press.
- War Cries: A Collection of Plays, Holy Cow Press.
Anthologies Containing Dianne's Work 
- From Totems to Hip-Hop: A Multicultural Anthology of Poetry Across the Americas, 1900-2002,
- Ishmael Reed (Editor), Thunder's Mouth Press.
- September 11, 2001: American Writers Respond,
- William Heyen (Editor), Etruscan Press.
- Sister Nations, Heid Erdrich and Laura Tohe (Editors), New Rivers Press.
- The Colors of Nature: Culture, Identity, and the Natural World
- (The World As Home Series), Alison H. Deming & Laurette Savoy (Editors), Milkweed Editions.
- Native American Literature: An Anthology, Lawana Trout, McGraw-Hill.
- The Norton Anthology of American Literature, Volume 2: Volumes C-E, Sixth Edition
- Nina Baym (Editor), Norton.
- Stories of Our Way: An Anthology of American Indian Plays,
- Hanay Geiogamah & Jaye T. Darby (Editors), UCLA American Indian Studies Center.
- Seventh Generation: An Anthology of Native American Plays,
- Mimi D'Aponte (Editor), Theatre Communications Group.
- Native American Religious Identity: Unforgotten Gods,
- Jace Weaver (Editor), Orbis Books.
- Identity Lessons: Contemporary Writing About Learning to Be American,
- Maria Mazziotti Gillan & Jennifer Gillan (Editors), Penguin USA.
- Women-Writing-Teaching, Jan Zlotnik Schmidt (Editor), SUNY Press.
- Writing America, Keith Donahue (Editor), National Endowment of the Arts.
- Elements of Literature: Third Course, Holt Rinehart & Winston, (1997)
- Great Scenes from Minority Playwrights: Seventy-Four Scenes of Cultural Diversity,
- Marsh Cassady (Editor), Meriwether Pub.
- The Sacred Place: Witnessing the Holy in the Physical World,
- W. Scott Olsen & Scott Cairns (Editors), Univ. Utah Press.
- Contemporary Authors Autobiography Series, Volume 24,
- Shelly Andrew (Editor), Gale Research.
- Song of the Turtle: American Indian Fiction 1974-1994, Paula Gunn Allen (Editor),
- Ballentine Books.
- Contemporary Plays by Women of Color: An Anthology,
- Kathy A. Perkins & Roberta Uno (Editors), Routledge.
- Freeing the First Amendment: Critical Perspectives on Freedom of Expression,
- David S. Allen and Robert Jensen (Editors), New York Univ Press.
- Native-American Literature: A Brief Introduction and Anthology,
- (Harpercollins Literary Mosaic), Gerald Vizenor (Editor), Harper Collins.
- River of Time: Fergus Falls 125th Anniversary Anthology,
- Otter Tail County Historical Society
- Smoke Rising: The Native North American Literary Companion, Janet Witalec,
- Visible Ink Press.
- The House on Via Gombito, Madelon Sprengnether, C.W. Truesdale (Editor),
- New Rivers Press.
- Aniyunwiya/Real Human Beings: An Anthology of Contemporary Cherokee
- Joseph Bruchac (Editor), Greenfield Review Press.
- Review of
Aniyunwiya/Real Human Beings by D.L. Birchfield
- Writing Women's Lives: An Anthology of Autobiographical Narratives by Twentieth-Century American Women Writers,
- Susan Cahill (Editor), Harperperennial Library.
- What Is Found There: Notebooks on Poetry and Politics, Adrienne Rich,
- W W Norton & Co.
- The Norton Book of Science Fiction: North American Science Fiction, 1960-1990,
- Ursula K. Le Guin, Brian Attebery (Editors), W W Norton & Co.
- The Pushcart Prize XVIII: 1993 1994: Best of the Small Presses,
- Bill Henderson & Sybil Stenberg (Editors), Pushcart Press.
- Callaloo, Native American Liture issue, Johns Hopkins Univ. Press.
- Returning the Gift: Poetry and Prose from the First North
American Native Writers' Festival
- (Sun Tracks Books, No 29) University of Arizona Press.
- Odd Angles of Heaven: Contemporary Poetry by People of Faith
- David Craig & Janet McCann (Editors), Harold Shaw Pub.
- Durable Breath: Contemporary Native American Poetry,
- John E.
Smelcer, D. L. Birchfield (Editors), Salmon Run Pub.
- Inheriting the Land: Contemporary Voices from the Midwest,
- Mark Vinz and Thom Tammaro (Editors), Univ of Minnesota Press.
- Earth Song, Sky Spirit: Short Stories of the Contemporary Native American Experience,
- by Clifford E. Trafzer (Editor)
- Talking Leaves: Contemporary Native American Short Stories
- Craig Lesley, Katheryn Stavrakis (Editors), Dell Books.
- Looking for Home: Women Writing About Exile,
- Deborah Keenan & Roseann Lloyd (Editors), Milkweed Editions.
- A Gathering of Spirit: A Collection by North American Indian Women,
- Beth Brant (Editor), Firebrand Books.
- The Clouds Threw This Light, Philip Foss (Editor), IAIA Press.
- Songs from This Earth on Turtle's Back,
- Joseph Bruchac (Editor), Greenfield Review Press.
Books/Articles Containing Interviews with Diane & or Essays on Her Work 
- Contemporary Authors : Biography - Glancy, Diane (1941-), , Thomson Gale
- A conversation with Diane Glancy., (Interview), Jennifer Andrews, An article from: The American Indian Quarterly
- 6 Poets. Birds of poetry.(Book Review), Matthew Rothschild, From: The Progressive
- Diane Glancy. The Voice That Was in Travel: Stories.(Book Review), Howard Meredith, From: World Literature Today
- Diane Glancy. Designs of the Night Sky.(Book Review), Howard Meredith, From: World Literature Today
- Diane Glancy. Stone Heart: a Novel of Sacajawea.(Book Review), Mary E. Adams, From: World Literature Today
- Diane Glancy. American Gypsy: Six Native American Plays.(Book Review), Maria Orban, From: World Literature Today
- Diane Glancy. Firesticks: A Collection of Stories .(Book Review), Kathy J. Whitson, From: Studies in Short Fiction
- Diane Glancy. Monkey Secret .(Book Review), Carolyn Kuebler, From: The Review of Contemporary Fiction
- Diane Glancy.The Only Piece of Furniture in the House (Brief Article), Robert L. Berner, From: World Literature Today
- Other European & American Language, (Brief Article) : An article from: World Literature Today,
- Robert Elsie, M. Byron Raizis, Robert L. Berner, Howard Meredith, Meredith James.
- Native American Writers of the United States, (Dictionary of
Literary Biography, V. 175),
- Kenneth M. Roemer (Editor), Gale Research.
- I Tell You Now: Autobiographical Essays by Native American Writers
- by Brian Swann, Arnold Krupat, Brompton Books Corp.
- The confrontation of Cherokee traditional religion and Christianity in Diane Glancy's Pushing the Bear by Frederick Hale
- originally published in Missionalia, the journal of the Southern African Missiological Society.
This is an "official" site in that this page was constructed with the
assistance and active collaboration of the poet, novelist, playwright and essayist, Diane Glancy. The website
"author" is Karen M. Strom.
© 2003 Diane Glancy and Karen Strom.
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