Journal Publications of Anita Endrezze
- "The Medicine Bundle" in The Raven's Chronicles,
- Vol 11, No 1, Wealth, Economy and Madness, 2004
- Akwekon, Feb 1985
- l'arbre a paroles, (Belgium, autumn 1989, #65) in French.
- Berkeley Poetry Review, #25, 1991-92.
- Chariton Review, vol. 9, #2, Fall 1983, NE Missouri State Univ.
- Copula, Vol 1, #4, 1981, Copula Press, Spokane, Wa.
- Dacotah Territory, #6 Winter 1973/74, Moorhead State College.
- Ergo! Bumbershoot 1986 & 1992.
- Exempla, 1977, Tubingen Univ., Germany.
- Fireweed: A Feminist Quarterly, #22 Win. 1986, Canada.
- Idaho English Journal, Vol 7, #1. Spring 1984.
- Indian Voice, May 1973.
- Juggler's World, Fall 1993.
- Kenyon Review, Vol XIII, #4, Fall 1991.
- legends, Spokane Comm. Coll. Press, 1990.
- les Cahiers: la poesie amerindienne, #25 (Poesie Rencontres, May 1989)
- France in French
- luna,#3, V. 2, 102-108, 2000, Univ. Minnesota.
- The Malahat Review, #33, Jan 1975, Canada.
- The Malahat Review, #60, 1981, Canada.
- Mr. Cognito, Vol VIII #3, 1988 (Mr. Cognito Press, Oregon).
- National Geographic, Oct 1991.
- Nouveaux Delits, Numero 14, November 2005 (in French)
- NW Poets and Artists Calendar, (Bainbridge Arts Council, 1993).
- Ploughshares, Spring 1994.
- Poetes Indiens d'Amerique, (Poesie Presente, #70/71 Rougerie)
- France in French.
- Poesie Presente, #94 same as above.
- Poetry East, #32, De Paul Univ.
- Poetry NW, Autumn 1976.
- Prism International, Wint. 1975 (U of British Colombia, Canada).
- Prophetic Voices, (Heritage Trails Press 1983).
- Raven's Chronicles, Spring 1996.
- Slackwater Review, Winter 1976, (Confluence Press, Idaho).
- Shaman's Drum, #12, Spring 1988.
- Sierra , Nov./Dec 1996.
- Snap Dragon, Vol 7, #1, Fall 1983 (U of Idaho).
- Talking leaves, #50, 1994, (DEEP, OR).
- Voice, Scholastic, Apri1 20 1990.
- Willow Springs, #13 Fall 1983, #18 Summer1986 (EWU Press).
- Wire Harp, 1989, Spokane Falls Comm College Press.
- Wooster Review, Spring 1988, #8, College of Wooster.
- Yellow Silk, #35, Winter 90/91.
- #25, Winter 1987.
- #24, Aut. 1987.
- The New Zoo Poetry Review, Issue #1, 1997.
- Zyzzyva, Vol IV, #1.
Moon of a Different Color by Anita Endrezze
Nonfiction writing
- review of "luna's California Poppies" by Alma luz Villanueva in The Raven's Chronicles,
- Vol ll, No 2, War Veterans and Peacekeepers, 2004.
- Herbs!, #1 and Vol 2 #1, Clearwater Communications.
- Writer's NW Summer 1989 newspaper, Media Weavers, Blue Heron Pub.
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