Lost Rivers

The anthology, Lost Rivers, is illustrated by Anita Endrezze. Poets included are: Jim Barnes, Peter Blue Cloud, Ralph Salisbury, Anita Endrezze and John E. Smelcer. The Introduction is by Jim Barnes. The book is published by Making Waves Press in the United Kingdom. The book is 82 pages, handbound and paperback, six illustrations with full colour cover. This is the first illustrated anthology of Native American Poetry to be published in Britain.

The price is U.K. £8.99, U.S. $17 (inc. postage), Canada $18, E.U. £10.00 (equiv. local currency). The book may be ordered from:

Making Waves
PO Box 226
Guildford, Surrey
Tel & fax: +44 1483 835891

Lost Rivers, ISBN: 1 873918 12 7

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