The Gallery of the Frontier and
the National Archiveshave images available on the Oklahoma Land Rush:
- Troop 'C,' 5th Cavalry, which arrested boomers and squatters prior
- to opening of Oklahoma, ca. 1888
- Drawing for Kiowa, Commanche, Apache and Wichita Indian Lands:
- Oklahoma, 1901. Crowds
- Drawing for Kiowa, Commanche, Apache and Wichita Indian Lands:
- Oklahoma, 1901. Men inside tent.
- Drawing for Kiowa, Commanche, Apache and Wichita Indian Lands:
- Oklahoma, 1901. Travelers, buses, trains. held 10 am July 29, 1901. The tops of the freighter cars furnished seats for some 30,000 people who witnessed this drawing.
- Oklahoma claim 1889 near Fort Reno, IT.
- In Line At The Land Office, Perry, Sept. 23, 1893. 9 o'clock A.M. waiting to file.
- Clerical force & U.S. Deputy Marshalls, U.S. Land Office, Perry, Okla. Terr. Oct. 12, 1893.
- The Nine Booths at Orlando [Okla. Terr.] Sept. 15th, (18)'93, Where 36,000 Registered.
- Looking For A Town Lot. Guthrie, Ind. Terr. [Oklahoma], ca. 1889.
- First train [and wagons] leaving the line north of Orlando For Perry [Okla. Terr.], Sept. 16, 1893.
- Wild West Hotel, Calamity Av., Perry, 0. T., Sept. 93
- Hells Half--Acre, Perry, 0.(kla). T(err)., 93.
- W. H. McCoy's claim, Perry, Okla. Terr., October 1, 1893.
- First Blacksmith Shop in Guthrie. ca. 1889
- Anadarko Townsite, Okla. Terr., August 8, 1901. Tent city in the cornfield.
- Anadarko Townsite [Okla. Terr.] Aug. 6, [1901]--a cornfield.
- Holding Down A Lot In Guthrie. By C. P. Rich, ca. 1889.
- Boomers Camp. Arkansas Cty., Kan. Waiting For the Strip To Open Mar. 1st, 1893.
- Anadarko Townsite, August 8, 1901. Auction in progress in lumber
company booth. Temporary bank buildings and the beginnings of a lodging house nearby.
- Claims bought and sold. U.S. Land Office practice--contests a
- Attorneys and surveyors in front of office, west of Court House Square, Round Pond,
Okla. Terr. By Kennett, January 1894