From the Artist....
"Task" is an installation that was created as a reaction to
the events of September 11, 2001. "Task" includes a performance
that serves as a commemorative activity as well as a healing ritual. Watching
the event unfold on television, I felt a need to respond, but art seemed
too trivial a response for such a traumatic experience. After this initial
reaction, I began to feel that the production of art and the freedom of
speech that it entails is incredibly important to our country and in the
healing process. Artists, as much as doctors, psychologists and spiritualists,
have a role to play in settling the nerves of this nation and all of humanity.
The idea for this work stemmed from a dream I had a few weeks following
this event. It is in "Task" that I wish to iron out the wrinkles
that plague our world.
Click here to see video
footage of this work and performance. |